Taking the "OW" out of OverWhelm
How many of us wish we could take charge of our day, instead of the day taking charge of us? Now that summer is in full swing, there may be a whole new world of things to get done! What to do? Here's some tips for taking the "OW" out of overwhelm:
Make a list of absolutely everything you have to do, right this minute. Get it all out of your head onto paper or onto your computer. Lighten the burden you've been carrying around. Clear and calm your mind. Hello? Sit down and just stop for a minute. Take a deep breath and let it all go.
Many people multi-task really really well. While that's certainly an admirable quality, some of us over multi-task. In fact, we can't STOP multi-tasking! This takes you away from being present. Not being present prevents you from being fully effective in the moment. It's a trade-off.
Are you a jack-of-all trades, master of none type person? Or are you a "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well" person? Your style determines your approach to tasks, how deeply and carefully you complete them and how much time you allot to each one. There's only so many hours in a day, so choose wisely. Review your standards and assess how realistic they are.
What's your number 1 priority? Write that down and let it guide you when evaluating all else you have to do (better known as a goal).
Where do you need to be flexible in your life? What fixed commitments do you need to work around? Understand what you can and cannot change.
Then get a blank monthly calendar with lots of room around each date. Look at one whole month at a time(your big picture may be bigger, maybe a whole year at a time). Write your tasks and corresponding rewards (very important!**) on old fashioned sticky notes.
Place the notes on the appropriate days on the calendar for the month. If you have many on one day, you may also have to include start and end times. Mix, match and move them around in different scenarios to see the opportunities.
It's OK to alternate between doing some tasks that you have to do, and some that you want to do. **You don't have to get all the "have to's" done before you can do the "want to's." Create a balance. Treat yourself kindly:
Going beyond is as bad as falling short. Chinese Proverb
Keep moving forward. Small, large, it doesn't matter. What matters is each action acts as reinforcement and helps you stay on track. Readjust your expectations to fit reality. Create a "No Judgement" zone.
Looking at the big picture helps you stay focused on the forest not the trees, a "project management" perspective from where you're better able to guide your overwhelming day into a manageable one.