Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Women who make it happen

In the movie, "As Good As It Gets," Diane Keaton is a playwright betrayed by Jack Nicholson, a confirmed bachelor. But Keaton draws on her writing expertise to turn her angst into creative genius and then to material success. Inspired by tragedy and turmoil, she produces a comedy, at Nicholson's expense. In so doing, she processes her feelings on stage, gaining catharsis. Of course, since this is Hollywood, her play becomes wildly successful. And it becomes an object lesson for Nicholson, who sees the play, recognizes himself on stage, and kicks off some soul searching of his own. The play transforms them both and they end up together (Hollywood again).

The point is Keaton's positive transformation of a negative situation. Do you have your own example? If so, please share it with us here.

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